What is the Silver Legion?
We are an organization of mostly-non-physical Lightwarriors, based out of a
higher-layered realm. We are dedicated to helping further the cause of freedom
across the multiverse, and dedicated to defending and protecting others so that
they can follow their own paths free of those who would dominate or control
Please note, we are not associated with or affiliated with any terrestrial
organization known as the Silver Legion, including gaming guilds or political
organizations. The Silver Legion has no terrestrial, physical headquarters and
does not perform its operations on the current, 3-dimensional Earth.
The Silver Legion was founded by a being who spent many lives incarnated as a
human on Earth, and who wished to become involved in the Ascension process. Our
founder discovered that humanity on Earth was not free, that the people of Earth
were unknowingly being dominated by non-human forces that were manipulating
human society for their own purposes. She was by no means the only person aware
of this situation, nor was she the only person who decided to do something about
it. Humanity's allies are many.
Our founder was not a rich or powerful person, nor was she a channel, nor did
she have contact with extraterrestrial allies in other dimensions. Nevertheless,
she wanted to help humanity free itself from the hidden masters. One area she
did have expertise in was the higher-layered realms and a good knowledge of how
the multiverse works. She was also a Lightwarrior - a subset of Lightworker
devoted to protection and guardianship. She put that knowledge and expertise to
use by recruiting other Lightwarriors into an organized society, which took the
Silver Legion as their name.
Most of the members of the Silver Legion have been recruited from various levels
of higher-layered realities, and even some from neighbouring universes in our
multiverse. Some have been recruited from the ranks of embodied, spiritually
aware Lightwarriors currently alive on Earth. However, because the Silver Legion
has not advertised its presence, there are not as many humans as we would like.
Earth is not the only realm in which we have been active. The Silver Legion has
been actively working against tyranny and oppression experienced by other races
and cultures in other places - on various levels of the other planes and in
other dimensions. We come in under request and perform a variety of functions
from peacekeeping and mediation between warring factions to defense and
protection of noncombatants and the innocent. In the years before we were ready
to contribute to the defense of Earth, we strengthened and trained ourselves by
helping out elsewhere. Long after Earth is free, we will continue to help others
throughout the multiverse in the same way. There are many other peoples in the
same situation that Earth humans have been in.
The Silver Legion is a sovereign entity in itself and is not organized under any
nation, planet, species, or other political or racial lines. We do not accept
the authority of any entity over our collective organization - whether that
authority derives from a claim to divinity or stems from another source.
Remember that authority is only valid over you if you accept it.
Due to differences in approach and opinion, we are no longer willing to count on
the Andromeda Council as allies. That said, we remain committed to helping
liberate this planet and do maintain a number of allies who are similarly united
in this intent.